Tuesday 27 March 2001

Alice moves to the big apple

"oh how soon we forget those who were once so dear"

What, may I ask, posessed you to hit Reply All with so personal a remark? I have received emails from as far as Nova Scotia asking who Auntie is. (sigh) In any case, you simply must choose one screen name and stick to it. Who are you going to be, Auntie? I demand a committment!

I'm actually moving into my tiny hovel this weekend and so will FINALLY have a sense of permanence and peace (I hope). Only now does it feel that the dust is beginning to settle, and other such metaphors.

I trust that you and the girls ("long suffering" and Sophie)are doing well in your sunny SoCal lives? How's the new job? Are you> enjoying it at all? Are you forcing your will upon everyone? Do let me know, Auntie. What is your torment of the day?

--Slack Alice

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