Saturday 13 September 2008

Let them eat chips... Just not here darling


It appears your addiction to gin has resulted (yet again) in you ignoring the joys of literary intercourse.  Auntie is left at the vanguard of blogging innovation - creating more high brow culture for the interweb and the bright young things of the "social nettings"

Before you steal more of Auntie's genius for your next paperback coffee coaster I thought you would be interested in my latest correspondence with the Cotswold Life below. It is only a matter of time before Auntie becomes Literary Lady in  Residence of said publication and her beautifully well maintained visage smiles out from a prominent masthead.

Read on sweet child... and do move up to Gordons (better for bulging your eye bags)


I couldn't agree more with David Tyler's excellent "let them eat rock" article in your August issue.

Having b&b'd perpetually in the same sleepy hamlet last summer, my companion and I bit the bullet and (rather than "move up" from our West London postage stamp to a roomy shoe box) decided to invest in a beautiful one up and one down in a slightly less picturesque but tourist free village nearby.

We consider ourselves "extended weekenders" (on a good week we can work from home on Friday thus making our nights in GL one more than the big smoke.) We probably fit into the lycra-clad road bike warrior group illustrated so eloquently by David.

My personal favourite two-wheel pastime is causing the cheap, shiny hatchback brigade to radically reduce their speed on narrow lanes and chuckling as I hear colourful language hurled from a passing window (along with their pork crackling wrappers and empty red bull tins.)

I diligently pop their waste into my ladies' backpack for deposit at the next village roadside bin - content that their anger may dissuade them from pointing their lime green BMW back in the direction of my genteel cycle route in the future.

Let's rally round folks and do our bit to push back on this unpleasant trend. The message is clear - you're welcome here if you pick up on the basics of good manners and respect one of the last, few remaining bastions of heritage and beauty.

No chips here dear heart... well maybe a small one nestled on my shoulder.

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